Halfway There

Posted on June 24th, 2022

It's already been 30 days since I have started this year. Truthfully, I don't think I have done as much as I would have thought I would have. However, these past 30 days have been nothing but fun and extremely eye-opening.

I anticipate that these next 30 days will see more progression across all of my personal projects. The reason being is that these past 30 days have been filled of more learning than anything. That learning is slowly turned into greater action which is pretty exciting.


Within Gambit, I quickly put together some of the components to see what the slider would look like. I think it should be ready to go aside from the limit switches. I may spend some time this weekend on implementing that system and then install everything for testing on Monday.

Side Slider

Sign Language Trainer

Tomorrow I will begin to start registering letters of sign language into my hand gesture recognizer. The way its done is by comparing numerous points with respect to one another until certain criteria is met. I feel like I will have a bit of trouble at first, but once I have a better understanding of the how to compare specific points. The other issue I may have is with the letters that show similarities between one another like that of 'E', 'A', 'M', and 'N'. Should be fun.

Sign Language

Old but New

This past semester, one of my lens was making a ridiculously loud sound when zooming in and out. I finally got a new one and I am excited to get some shots that are wider as opposed to the 50 mm lens I have been using.


Habit Tracking

Today, I journaled, worked out, read, tracked my caloric intake, and worked on at least one of my personal projects. Today was a good day.

What I am thankful for

I am thankful for the journey I have had so far. It has been eye-opening and quite freeing. It is bittersweet to think that there are 30 days left.